- To keep the Alumni a simple structure set up to do good work.
- To operate the Alumni within the CPPA working with a small team of volunteers that meets when required to share the load.
- To work with a small budget and an annual calendar of events for members.
- To report on Alumni activities annually at the CPPA AGM in November.
- To be strategically ready for the Alumni to celebrate 50 years of the CPPA (WA) in 2026 (long term goal).
The Alumni operates within the current CPPA Strategic Plan:
Shaping our Future – Strategic Plan 2022-2024 – Priorities 3 and 4:
- Priority 3: Principal Expertise & Health Supporting Catholic Primary Principals to be future focussed, effective and healthy leaders.
- Priority 4: An Association of Support Promoting dialogue, exchange of ideas and collegiality within CPPA, with other Principal organisations and within Catholic Education WA.

Background Information
When a principal decides to retire from the role there are some decisions to be made on whether or not they stay connected to the network they have belonged to during their career. For so many they have forged a career path through hard work, good health, maybe some good fortune and commonly a strong dedication to Catholic education.
When a principal decides to finish serving as a principal in a Catholic school, they can decide to remain a:
- Direct contact for principals who have been operating with a contract that includes the two-year clause there are a few options – working back in schools in some capacity as directed by CEWA; working for CEWA in the areas of reviews, appointment panels or in a role as determined for some by the Executive Director. For appointments after 2018 the two-year clause no longer is included in the principal’s contract, so these options may or may not be available.
- Contact on hold for many principals who make the decision to retire or resign from the role, a period of quiet contemplation is often needed before.
Alumni Calendar of Events
CPPA Alumni Lunch Dates for 2025
Thursday 10 April 2025 – Bunbury Region from midday
Venue: TBA
Thursday 24 July 2025 – North of the River from midday
Venue: Herdsman Tavern Wembley
Thursday 13 November 2025 – South of the River from midday
Venue: Mt Henry Tavern
Thursday, 18 April, 2024 – Bunbury Region at the Parade Hotel
Thursday, 25 July, 2024 – Metro North at the Herdsman Hotel
Thursday, 14 November, 2024 – Metro South at the Mt Henry Tavern
Become an Alumni Member
Membership Contact List
We have an extensive Contact List that includes principals from 1976 onwards.
Please contact the Alumni Project Officer if you would like more information.
To join the Alumni please contact the Alumni Project Officer