
The development of the new Catholic Primary Principals’ Association Western Australia logo came about in 2022 after discussions between CPPA Executive Committee members in looking at ways to recognise our future direction as an Association and the introduction and formation of the Catholic Primary Principals’ Association WA Alumni, recognising and always remembering those who came before us.
The Catholic Primary Principals’ Association Alumni which was established and launched in 2022 will continue to use the original logo that was established when the Association was formed.

The new CPPAWA logo will encompass a new Cross and four new colours, as well as a new layout for our title.
The Cross is a symbol of Christ at the centre of all that we do. Our Association is a part of a Christ-centred and child-focused Catholic Education Western Australia system.
The representation of the four colours are two-fold. The colours symbolise the 4 dioceses of Western Australia that our Principals come from, leading and serving our school communities across Western Australia.
The red symbolises our Principals in the Broome Dioceses.
The yellow symbolises our Principals in the Geraldton Dioceses.
The green symbolises our Principals in the Bunbury Dioceses.
The blue symbolises our Principals in the Perth Dioceses.
The four colours also represent the Pillars of the Catholic Primary Principals of WA (CPPAWA)
We are Catholic
We are Primary
We are Principals
We are an Association